Organizational Awareness Video Highlights latest NYP ICD-10 Readiness Efforts

On Tuesday, August 11, NYP, in its ongoing efforts to create an ICD-10 informed and insulated organization, will release its ICD-10 organizational awareness video in the NYP Learning Center.  This video, assigned to all NYP employees’ transcripts, will explain the ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure coding system, its benefits, and how it may potentially affect your role at NYP.

On October 1, 2015 the United States and NYP will begin to describe the conditions of our patients and the services we provide to treat those conditions using a new healthcare language called ICD-10.  The WORK we collectively do, the CARE we collectively provide, the GOALS we collaboratively strive to achieve, and the INITIATIVES we participate in to achieve them are all impacted in some way by ICD-10.

ICD-10 IS how we communicate to the outside world the acuity, complexity, the diversity of our patients.  ICD-10 IS how we describe the SUPERIOR, HIGH QUALITY care that each of you provide every day.  ICD-10 IS how we will be rewarded for that care in the form of payment from third party.

Please enjoy this video as NYP and the healthcare industry complete the transition to ICD-10.