ICD-10 Implementation Alert: Final Day for ICD-10 Support Center

On behalf of the ICD-10 Project Team, the ICD-10 Support Center, and NYP, we‘d like to thank the thousands of staff and providers who have worked collaboratively with us to make our ICD-10 implementation an overwhelming success. Given the ongoing stability of the clinical and financial operation, the last day of operations for the ICD-10 Support Center will be today, Friday, October 30, 2015.

For ongoing support regarding the transition to ICD-10 you can e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org or visit NYP’s ICD-10 AnTENna website for updates, training aids & other useful resources. Please keep in mind, there will no longer be a telephone line for the Support Center. If you have any IT application related issues, contact the service desk at 212-746-4357 (4-HELP).

We Came, We Saw, We Conquered, I-10!