ICD-10 Readiness Spotlight: Report Conversion

At NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, employees across the organization use reports for a wide variety of purposes.  Whether we’re looking at operational metrics like length of stay and discharges, quality indicators like readmissions and infection rates, or financial measures related to billing and payment, it’s important that our reports be accurate and up to date so that we can make informed decisions.  Because many of the reports we rely on to run our departments, practices, and units contain ICD-9 codes, the upcoming transition to ICD-10 means that we need to update our reports to reflect the new code set.

The ICD-10 IT workgroup, headed by Ken Thibault, has been leading the effort to ensure that all necessary reports are converted to ICD-10.  The group has already created an inventory of about 150 reports that use ICD-9 codes, and has begun the process of determining which ones need to be updated, collecting the relevant ICD-9 codes, and converting those ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 codes.  Once the ICD-9 codes are mapped to ICD-10 codes, the mapping is sent to the report’s business owner for approval, at which point IT will make the necessary updates so that the report will populate properly once we transition to ICD-10.

If you are a business owner of reports, you should be hearing from the ICD-10 team in the next month or two so that we can work with you on converting your reports.  If there are reports that you use that you want to make sure are on the inventory, please reach out to the IT team that manages the system in questions.  We look forward to partnering with you to ensure that your reporting needs continue to be met post October 1st, 2015.