ICD-10 Daily Transition Update: October 6, 2015


The transition to ICD-10 continues to stabilize and its first submission of ICD-10 coded claims to insurance carriers is imminent. Daily ICD-10 rounding across the campuses has highlighted a generally informed and engaged group of staff and providers asking necessary questions, leveraging the tools and resources available, and demonstrating flexibility for the handful of operational and technical items that have popped up. Support Center staff continues to remedy batches of outpatient encounters that have been incorrectly registered and coded in an effort to effectuate smooth and seamless billing on October 12. Coding professionals in HIM continue to settle into a “business as usual” operating model. Inpatient documentation review activities are yielding increased levels of provider inquiry to ensure NYP leverages the specificity of the ICD-10 code set. An ongoing summary of the project is listed below and the full presentation can be found here.



The impact of the ICD-10 transition on patient care/patient experience activities continues to remain minimal.  Financial and operating metrics remain largely stable indicating that the transition to ICD-9 has not necessarily impacted our or the insurance industry’s ability to continue processing in ICD-9. Documentation Improvement specialists in HIM have expectedly increased the volume of provider inquiries in an effort to take advantage of the specificity available in ICD-10.



There are currently no material issues of significance outstanding or that require escalated resolution across the campuses. Support Center staff continues to resolve minor end-user inquiries including proper code assignment and entry, interpretation of coding guidelines, and clarifications around recently released fixes to OR Manager and Allscripts that will now prevent selection of ICD-9 codes for dates of service on or after October 1.  An updated issues log can be found here.



Staff received 2 phone call and 3 additional e-mail inquiries while correcting approximately 1000 outpatient encounters erroneously assigned ICD-9 codes.  In total, the Support Center has logged 74 issues and 19 remain open. The monitoring and auditing effort has resulted in verifying more than 99% data integrity for inpatient, Ambulatory Surgery, and ED encounters. The ICD-10 AnTENna website recorded close to an additional 150 hits.



  • ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes are 3 – 7 characters, alpha-numeric, and ALWAYS begin with a letter
  • ICD-10 is date of service/date of discharge sensitive
  • DO NOT insert decimal points when entering ICD-10 diagnosis codes in Eagle
  • Use ICDx to assist with documentation efforts in Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM)
  • Code conversions with multiple options presented in the NYP Code converter should prioritize the choices with bidirectional arrows
  • Close open outpatient encounters as quickly as possible to ensure timely billing.



For continued assistance and inquiry, please call the ICD-10 Support Center at 646-NYP-9-2-10 (646-697-9210), e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org, or visit the ICD-10 AnTENna webiste.