ICD-10 Daily Transition Update: October 8, 2015


As NYP moves into it second full week of ICD-10, the successes of week one have carried over. Inpatient coding, billing, and claim submission continues to funnel out and onto the insurance carriers’ own ICD-10 ready (we hope) technologies. More than 500 inpatient claims in total have cleared NYP’s multiple tiers of editing increasing the likelihood of clean submissions and timely payment from third parties. Outpatient monitoring and triage continues as an additional 450 ambulatory visits incorrectly coded with ICD-9 codes are corrected by Support Center staff. Ongoing fixes in Allscripts SCM and use of the code conversion tools made available to the operation should eventually minimize the recurrence. An ongoing summary of the project is listed below and the full presentation can be found here.



The impact of the ICD-10 transition on patient care/patient experience activities continues to remain minimal. Financial and operating metrics remain largely stable indicating that the transition to ICD-9 has not necessarily impacted our or the insurance industry’s ability to continue processing in ICD-9. Documentation Improvement specialists in HIM continue to generate increased volumes of provider inquiries in an effort to take advantage of the specificity available in ICD-10.




Information Technology Services continues to monitor two minor issues affecting approximately 80 inpatient claims, awaiting solutions from application vendors. Similarly, the Allscripts SCM team is researching one template related issue that may have resulted in some health issues lists that were not updated from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Ongoing “ICD-10 Rounds” highlighted some education and training needs for providers to correct old health issues that require updated mapping from ICD-9 to ICD-10. An updated implementation issues log can be found here.



Staff received 4 phone call and 4 e-mail inquiries while correcting approximately 450 additional outpatient encounters erroneously assigned ICD-9 codes. In total, the Support Center has logged 87 issues and 19 remain open. The monitoring and auditing effort has resulted in verifying more than 99% data integrity for Inpatient, Ambulatory Surgery, and ED encounters. The ICD-10 AnTENna website recorded an additional 171 hits.




  • ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes are 3 – 7 characters, alpha-numeric, and ALWAYS begin with a letter
  • ICD-10 is date of service/date of discharge sensitive
  • DO NOT insert decimal points when entering ICD-10 diagnosis codes in Eagle
  • Use ICDx to assist with documentation efforts in Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM)
  • Correct old health issues by clicking the health issue, selecting ‘update preferred mapping, select the ICD-10 code, and clicking ‘Accept”
  • Code conversions with multiple options presented in the NYP Code converter should prioritize the choices with bidirectional arrows
  • Close open outpatient encounters as quickly as possible to ensure timely billing.



For continued assistance and inquiry, please call the ICD-10 Support Center at 646-NYP-9-2-10 (646-697-9210), e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org, or visit the ICD-10 AnTENna webiste.