ICD-10 Implementation Alert: ICD-10 Operational Transition – Link to Presentation

Again, we‘d like to thank all staff and providers who have worked collaboratively with us to make our ICD-10 implementation an overwhelming success. The ICD-10 Support Center is officially closed. In an effort to transition certain ICD-10 specific responsibilities back to the operations ownership, we held an Operational Transition webinar on Thursday, October 29th.

During this session we provided participants with:

  • A current state of implementation performance including key measures of operating and financial success
  • A status on any remaining issues and items being resolved and applicable contingency procedures for those items
  • A review of the various materials, resources, and tools that will continue to be available to you, your staff, and providers to leverage and support ongoing self-sufficiency in ICD-10

You can find a copy of this presentation here.

For ongoing support regarding the transition to ICD-10 you can e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org or visit NYP’s ICD-10 AnTENna website for updates, training aids & other useful resources. Please keep in mind, there will no longer be a telephone line for the Support Center. If you have any IT application related issues, contact the service desk at 212-746-4357 (4-HELP).


We Came, We Saw, We Conquered, I-10!

ICD-10 Implementation Alert: Final Day for ICD-10 Support Center

On behalf of the ICD-10 Project Team, the ICD-10 Support Center, and NYP, we‘d like to thank the thousands of staff and providers who have worked collaboratively with us to make our ICD-10 implementation an overwhelming success. Given the ongoing stability of the clinical and financial operation, the last day of operations for the ICD-10 Support Center will be today, Friday, October 30, 2015.

For ongoing support regarding the transition to ICD-10 you can e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org or visit NYP’s ICD-10 AnTENna website for updates, training aids & other useful resources. Please keep in mind, there will no longer be a telephone line for the Support Center. If you have any IT application related issues, contact the service desk at 212-746-4357 (4-HELP).

We Came, We Saw, We Conquered, I-10!

ICD-10 Implementation Alert: ICD-10 Support Center Operating Hours as of October 17, 2015

After three full weeks into the transition to ICD-10, NYP is demonstrating a stable financial and clinical operating environment.  With this being said, the NYP ICD-10 Support Center will continue to scale back its operational hours. It will not be open this weekend, October 17th – 18th. Real time assistance will resume from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM beginning Monday, October 19, 2015 through Friday, October 23, 2015.  After operating hours, staff and providers with inquiries may leave a voice message by calling 646-NYP-9210 or e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org and our remote staff will review and respond accordingly.  Technical issues may continue to be addressed through the IT Service Desk by calling 6-HELP or by e-mailing servicedesk@nyp.org.  For an updated schedule of Support Center operating hours, please visit the ICD-10 AnTENna website.

We came, We Saw, We Conquered, I-10!

ICD-10 Implementation Alert: First Payment Received for ICD-10 Coded Inpatient Claim

We are proud to announce that we have officially received our first payment for an ICD-10 coded inpatient claim. We want to thank all those who have made this accomplishment possible. If you have any inquiries regarding the hospital’s transition from ICD9- to ICD-10, please call the ICD-10 Support Center at 646-NYP-9-2-10, or e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org. For additional ICD-10 information visit our ICD-10 AnTENna website.

Paid IP Claim

Implementation Alert: First October Outpatient ICD-10 Coded & Billed Claim!

We are proud to announce that we have officially deployed our first outpatient ICD-10 coded and billed claim. Please see below. If you have any inquiries regarding the hospital’s transition from ICD9- to ICD-10, please call the ICD-10 Support Center at 646-NYP-9-2-10, or e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org. For additional ICD-10 information visit our ICD-10 AnTENna website. Let’s keep up the good work!

1st OP Billed Claim

ICD-10 Daily Transition Update: October 9, 2015


As the week closes, word from our Patient Financial Services (PFS) divisions at Cornell and Columbia indicate the previously submitted claims are beginning to generate acknowledgements from insurance carriers and are being prepared for claims processing and payment. Yet another significant milestone in the ongoing transition. Coding production remains stable and the impact of ICD-10 to HIM productivity appears to be minimal at this stage. Ambulatory care operations and corrections to enabling technologies and interfaces are aiding in the reduction of erroneous registrations and continued use of ICD-9 codes. Support Center staff are diligently working to troubleshoot and resolve any remaining and flawed encounters in advance of October 12, the first day that October 1 outpatient encounters are eligible for billing. An ongoing summary of the project is listed below and the full presentation can be found here.



The impact of the ICD-10 transition on patient care/patient experience activities continues to remain minimal. Financial and operating metrics remain largely stable indicating that the transition to ICD-9 has not necessarily impacted our or the insurance industry’s ability to continue processing in ICD-9. A temporary increase in the unbilled receivable due to a billing system issue for inpatient cases has been resolved and is expected to return to normal levels on Monday, October 12. Documentation Improvement specialists in HIM continue to generate increased volumes of provider inquiries in an effort to take advantage of the specificity available in ICD-10.




Continued diligence by the Eagle IT team appears to have resolved the inpatient billing issue that affected a subset of October 1, 2015 discharges and these cases are prepared to bill on Monday, October 12. An interface issue between Allscripts SCM and the billing system was identified and fixed that should aid in the receipt of OCD-10 codes on ambulatory encounters using electronic Superbill. Research is being conducted on a potential interface or file extract issue between the R4 system used at Lower Manhattan Hospital and the billing system. An updated implementation issues log can be found here.



Staff received 3 phone calls and 1 e-mail inquiry while correcting approximately 425 additional outpatient encounters erroneously assigned ICD-9 codes. In total, the Support Center has logged 91 issues and 20 remain open. Implementation alerts and ICD-10 transition aids have been developed and deployed for closing outpatient encounters and correction of unmapped health issues. The monitoring and auditing effort has resulted in verifying more than 99% data integrity for Inpatient, Ambulatory Surgery, and ED encounters. The ICD-10 AnTENna website recorded an additional 176 hits.



  • ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes are 3 – 7 characters, alpha-numeric, and ALWAYS begin with a letter
  • ICD-10 is date of service/date of discharge sensitive
  • DO NOT insert decimal points when entering ICD-10 diagnosis codes in Eagle
  • Use ICDx to assist with documentation efforts in Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM)
  • Correct old health issues by clicking the health issue, selecting ‘update preferred mapping, select the ICD-10 code, and clicking ‘Accept”
  • Code conversions with multiple options presented in the NYP Code converter should prioritize the choices with bidirectional arrows
  • Close open outpatient encounters as quickly as possible to ensure timely billing



For continued assistance and inquiry, please call the ICD-10 Support Center at 646-NYP-9-2-10 (646-697-9210), e-mail ICD-10Help@nyp.org, or visit the ICD-10 AnTENna webiste.